
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

History of Modern Tourism Nepal 1950-Till now

History of Modern Tourism Nepal

 In 1767 A.D. King Prithvi Narayan Shah united the petty hill states into a single and integrated Nepal (1825 B.S.). Until the time of King Prithvi Narayan Shah, Nepal was off-limits to foreigners, particularly Europeans. The advent of tourists in Nepal in contemporary history was established by the William Kirk Patrick Mission in 1792. Even though Kirk Patrick came to Nepal as a military officer to gather data about the country, his book “An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal” served to promote Nepal to foreigners.

 Following the Treaty of Sugauli in 1816, Wallich was appointed a British Resident in Kathmandu to enhance Nepal’s ties with British India. Following that, British nationals made regular travels to Kathmandu. From 1850 to 1851, Jung Bahadur Rana visited Britain, which was important in presenting Nepal to the Western world. Sir Brian Hodgson and Sir Joseph Hooker later visited Nepal. During the era of Prime Minister Bir Samsher, French scholar Silva Levy visited Nepal. He authored a book on Nepal called History of the Hindu Kingdom in French (which was translated into the Nepali language by Dilli Raj Uprety).

 During the term of Prime Minister Chandra Shamsher, Percival Landon visited Nepal. Similarly, in 1911 and 1921, King George V and the Prince of Wales visited Nepal for hunting. The oldest documented record of foreign visitors to Nepal is found in Percival London’s book ‘Nepal, where 153 Europeans, largely British, are mentioned to have visited Kathmandu between 1881 and 1925. In 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine attempted to climb Everest but went missing. Other mountaineers were also granted permission to ascend the peak under careful monitoring. Despite these achievements, the Rana kings kept Nepal secluded from outside influence until 1950.

In 1949, the first foreign trekker Bill Tillman came to Nepal to trek and to ABC and EBC.

The first flight into Gauchaur happened on 23 April 1949.

History of Nepal Tourism after 1950-1959.

1950/51 (2007 BS) i.Only a few visitors were permitted to visit Nepal by the Rana dictatorship. 

                     ii.Maurice Herzog, a French citizen, became the first person to reach the peak of Annapurna (8091m).

1951 (2008 BS), 104 years of autocracy of the Rana regime ended.

1952, Tony Hagen, a Swiss geologist, marketed Nepal to the international audience as the “Switzerland of Asia.". He was employed by the Nepal government for exploring and mapping the geography of Nepal, travelled 14000km in the Himalayas of Nepal and retired in 1972AD.

1953 (2010BS) i.May 29, Sir Edmund Hillary (New Zealand) and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa (Nepal)    reached the top of Mt. Everest (8848m) for the first time (2010 BS Jestha 16).

                          ii. Obtained membership of UNESCO. 

                          iii. Modern tourism begins in Nepal.

1955  i.15 June Gauchaur Airport was inaugurated by King Mahendra renaming it Tribhuvan Airport in memory of the king's father (2012 Asar 12).

           ii.14 Dec Obtained membership in the UN as 72 members.

        iii.Nepal issued its first tourist visa to Boris Lisanevich, a Russian hotelier King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah invited to allow the Thomas Cook Company to send tourists to Nepal. Boris established the first hotel "Royal Hotel" and began catering for tourists.

1956 (2013 BS) National Tourism Council set up the first 5-year tourism development plan under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

1957 The Department of Civil Aviation was formed under the Ministry of Work, Communication and Transport.

1958 (2015 BS) i.1 July Royal Nepal Airlines Cooperation (RNAC) was established (2015 BS Asar 17).

                          ii.8 July Bhairahawa Airport established (2015 BS Asar 24).

1959   i. Tourism board introduced. 

           ii. Obtained membership in the International Union of Official Travel Organizations.

        iii. Statutory regulations regarding Civil aviation were introduced under the Civil Aviation Act, of 1959 (2015 BS).

  History of Nepal Tourism from 1960-1969 AD

1960 Obtained membership of ICAO

1961 Tourism Department was formed under the Ministry of Work, Communication and Transport.

1964 i.Tribhuvan Airport was renamed Tribhuvan International Airport in 1964.

      ii.First trekking agency “Mountain Travel Trekking Agency ” now “Tiger Mountain” was established by Colonel Jimmy Robert. He had started “Tiger Tops” in Chitwan National Park to accommodate tourists who enjoy jungle activities. He is regarded as the “Father of Trekking in Nepal” and a role model in teaching and implementing management in tourism in Nepal.

1965 i.June 15 Everest Travel Service, established the first travel agency in Nepal.

   ii.Conquered 8000 + mountains. Established Nepal as the best destination for expedition and climbing.

1966 (2023 BS). i.10 Mar, NATTA established.

                           ii.HAN established

1967 1st Mar, Inauguration of Bhairahawa Bimaghhat under the Indian govt assistance program of the GON.

1960-70’s. Nepal became a popular tourist Hippies destination. Hippies who followed radical and liberal anti-war philosophy with “mind exploring” activities such as sex, drugs and religion began travelling in Nepal.

History of Nepal Tourism from 1970-1979 AD

1972 (2029 BS) i.a Tourism master plan was formulated with German assistance that led to the concept of spreading economic activity in Nepal.

ii. The Government of Nepal established the Hotel Management and Tourism Training Center (HMTTC), now Nepal Academy of Tourism   & Hotel Management (NATHM), to produce a skilled workforce required by the hospitality and tourism industry.

1973 i.Chitwan National Park (2030 BS.) was officially established. 

         ii. 1st Nov Established NMA (allows the permit to 27 peaks.

        iii. Himalayan Rescue Association established.

1975 i.Obtained membership in World Tourism Organizations.

        ii.Obtained membership of PATA.

1976 i.Established Langtang, Bardiya, Sagarmatha ,Rara National Park (2032 BS). 

        ii.Koshi Tappu WLR (2032 BS).

1978 (2035) i.Established Tourism as a separate Ministry ( 2034 BS).

                    ii.First Tourism Act endorsed as Tourism Act 2035 was published.

                    iii.TAAN was established to develop and promote Nepal's trekking sector.

1979 (2036 BS) i.Sagarmatha National Park is listed as Nepal's first natural world heritage site.

                           ii.UNESCO World Heritage  Kathmandu Valley (contains 7 heritage sites).

                           iii.26 Jan Tourist Police established (2035 BS  Magh 12).

                        iv.Hashish and marijuana were legal in Nepal until the Drug Enforcement Administration was established by the Nepal government to discourage the use of drugs. Hippie played the role of ambassador and kept on telling the cultural and natural beauties of Nepal to the outer world. The film was about hippies and their activities in the Hindi movie “Hare Ram Hare Krishna” by the late Dev Anand.

History of Nepal Tourism from 1980-1989 AD

1980 (2037) The Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation ( DNPWC) was established.

1982 (2039 BS) i. Civil aviation was added to the Ministry of Tourism and named MoTCA.

                          ii. National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) established 

1984 i.Chitwan National Park is listed as a natural world heritage site.

       ii.Shey Phoksundo (2040 BS) National Park was established.

      iii.Khaptad NP (2042 BS) National Park was established.

1985 (2042 BS) i.Oct 30,1st amendment of Tourism Act 2035.

                           ii. Dec 8 SAARC membership as founding members.

1987  Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve established (2044 BS) 

1989 i.26th Dec NARA established  (2046 Push 11).

During 1975-1991, Nepal became a hot spot for holidaymakers, adventure seekers and cultural tourists. The flow of tourists increased in the Nepalese tourism industry.

 History of Nepal Tourism from 1990-1999 AD

1991 Makalau barun (2049 BS) National Park established.

1992 (2049 BS) i.  Annapurna conservation area established (2049 BS).

                            ii. Nepal adopted a liberal sky policy.

                            iii. 14 Sept,1st private airline company of Nepal Necon Air was established.

1993 (2050 BS) GON introduced its first-ever Civil Aviation Policy in 2050 B.S.

1995 (2052 BS) First Tourism Policy 2052 was endorsed.

1996 (2053 BS) the Civil Aviation Act published.

1997 (2054 BS) i.  Kanchenjunga conservation area established (2054 BS).

                          ii. Lumbini is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

                          iii.2nd Amendment of Tourism Act 2035.

                          iv. Published Nepal Tourism Board  Act 2053 Magh 23.

1998 (2055 BS) iMansalu conservation area established (2055 BS).

                          ii. Nepal celebrated 1st tourism year with the slogan "A World of its own".

                          iii. Established of UNESCO office at Kathmandu.

                          iv. Established NTB, to promote the tourism sector, 2055 Push 16

                      v.Established CAAN under the 1996 CA Act, 2055 Push 16. (iv -v  formed after repealing Civil Aviation and Tourism Department 2055 BS).

1999 i. The downfall of tourism in Nepal started with the hijacking of Indian airlines from Tribhuvan International Airport.

          ii. Bhairahawa Airport was renamed Gautama Buddha International Airport.

Dark period, 1999-2005: due to Maoist insurgency.

History of Nepal Tourism from 2000-2009

2000 (2057 BS) i. Culture was added to the Ministry of Tourism and named MoCTCA.

                           ii. Sirubari village was declared the 1st  model tourist village of Nepal.

2001, i.Royal massacre and Maoist insurgency contributed to the downfall until 2006.

           ii.Sept, TRPAP was launched in Nepal by GON and UNDP.

2002/03 i.Celebrated as Destination Nepal year.

 2002  i. Shivapuri National Park was established (2058 BS).

           ii. May 2Mountaineering regulations published.

           iii.Nepal Mountain Academy was established under the MoTCA.

2004 Feb 8 Nepal obtained membership of BIMSTEC as the last member.

2005 i.King Gyanedra coup and suspended the constitution.

          ii.8 June Travel and Trekking agency regulations published.

2006 i. a comprehensive peace agreement between the government and Maoists was signed, declaring Nepal as a Federal and Republic nation from the 4th amendment of the interim constitution 2063. 

          ii.2 June 1st amendment of Travel and Trekking Agency Regulations.

           iii. Sept 9, Rafting Regulations published.

2007 6 Aug,1st amendment of Mountaineering regulations.

2008 i.Jan 1, TIMS card implemented.

         ii.2052 (1995) Tourism Policy modified and named Tourism Policy 2065.

         iiiCulture was separated from the Ministry of Tourism and named MoTCA (2065 BS Bhadra,15).

          iv. 1st amendment of Rafting Regulations published.

2009 Krishnasar Conservation Area established (2065 BS)

History of Nepal Tourism from 2010-2019

2010 i. Homestay begins in Nepal 2067 BS  Bhadra, 1.(Kavre Gaun,Kaski first official homestay of Nepal 2067 Push 20)

         ii. Gaurishanker Conservation Area established  (2066 BS)

         iii Api Nampa conservation area established (2067 BS)

        iv. Banke National Park established (2067 BS)

2011, “Nepal Tourism Year” with the slogan “Together for Tourism” with a target of 10 lakh tourist arrivals, where only 7,36,215 international visitors visited Nepal. ( Inauguration- 2067 Push 30 (14 Jan 2011) 

2012, i. 18 May, Again Culture was added to the Ministry of Tourism and named MoCTCA,2069 Jestha 5.

           ii. Lumbini visit year was celebrated in 2012 (Inauguration- 2012-Jan 12with a target of 5 lakh tourist arrivals.

2013 2nd Amendment of Rafting Regulations.

2014 Department of Tourism reformed again,2071 BS Bhadra 2.

2016 (2073 BS) i.Established Pokhara International Airport as Nepal's 3rd international airport.

                         ii. National Tourism Strategic Plan (NTSP) 2016-2025 published with a target of 25 lakh tourist arrivals till 2025 (2073 BS Jestha 31).

2017. i. Sukhaphanta National Park was established (2073 BS)

         ii. Parsa National Park established (2074 BS)

2018 (2075 BS), 6th Amendment of Travel and Trekking Agency Regulations.

                                                History of Nepal Tourism from 2020-2025

2020 (2077 BS), the Government forecasted 2020 as the Visit Nepal 2020 "Lifetime experience" year with the target of 20 lakh tourist arrivals but again industry suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic. After 2022 tourism slowly geared up but the condition is not satisfactory.

2022 (2079 BS) i.May 16 Gautama Buddha Airport inaugurated 2079 BS Jestha 2.

                          iiJuly, GON announced 2023-2032 as the "Nepal Tourism Decade" with a target of USD125 per tourist per day spending and a target of tourist arrivals by 10 lakh.

2023(2080 BS) i. March 31, E-TIMS was implemented.

                          ii. Jan1 Pokhara International Airport begin its operations, 2079 BS Push 17.

                          iii. Target tourist arrivals of 10 lakh by 2032.

                     iv."Nepal Ghumau, Nepal Chinau" program to be launched to promote domestic tourism, budget of 80/81.

2024 17 March Pokhara declared as the tourism capital of Nepal 2080-Chaitra 4

2025 (2082 BS) Special Tourism Year.

# Policies relating to Tourism  highlighted in Part 4, Articles 51, L of Nepal Constitution 2072 (to develop eco-friendly tourism industries as the main base of the national economy by way of identification, protection, promotion and publicity of ancient culture, religious, archaeological and natural heritage of Nepal, to make environment and policy required for the development of tourism culture and to accord priority to local people in the distribution of benefits of tourism industries.)